NAME Widget.PairedMultiSelect - A widget based on a pair of multiple select elements SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION This library ties together two multiple `' or a group of checkboxes. It expects to find these elements already on the page, and will add the appropriate event listeners for them. METHODS * new Widget.PairedMultiSelect( { ... } ) Expects an object with the following properties, some of which are optional: { firstId: "first", secondId: "second", selectedToSecondId, "move-selected-to-second", selectedToFirstId, "move-selected-to-first", allToSecondId, "move-all-items-to-second", allToFirstId, "move-all-items-to-first", sortFunction: sortByNumber } Given an object with the specified properties, the constructor creates a new widget and attaches the appropriate event handlers to the specified elements. The only required properties are "firstId" and "secondId", which should be the ids of two multiple select form elements. The other properties, except for "sortFunction", specify element ids for elements that should have onclick events added which do the appropriate action. The event handler will move either the selected options for all options to one of the two select lists. In addition, an onsubmit event listener will be added to the form containing the select elements. This event listener will select all of the options in *both* select lists before the form is submitted. The two lists of options will be sorted after each move. The default sort function sorts by the *string* representation of each options `value' property. If you provide a "sortFunction" parameter, it will be used instead. Your function will be passed two *Option* objects for comparison. When the object is first created, it will call `moveSelectedFirstToSecond()' on itself in order to move selected elements from the first list to the second. * Widget.PairedMultiSelect.newFromPrefix(prefix) * Widget.PairedMultiSelect.newFromPrefix( prefix, sort_func ) This method greatly simplifies creating a new widget, but you have to follow a specific id name pattern to use it. The prefix is used to create a set of element ids, based on this formula: firstId: prefix + "-first" secondId: prefix + "-second" selectedToSecondId: prefix + "-to-second" selectedToFirstId: prefix + "-to-first" allToSecondId: prefix + "-all-to-second" allToFirstId: prefix + "-all-to-first" This method also accepts an optional sort function as its second parameter. * moveSelectedFirstToSecond() * moveSelectedSecondToFirst() Move selected options in one select list to the other. * moveAllFirstToSecond() * moveAllSecondToFirst() Move all options in one select list to the other. AUTHOR Dave Rolsky, . COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005 Dave Rolsky. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl programming language (your choice of GPL or the Perl Artistic license).