0.17 2010-01-30 - The method used to check for the DOM being done could report false positives in Opera (and possibly Safari). This has been fixed. 0.16 2009-05-09 - Syntax cleanups via Douglas Crockford's jslint.com. - The check for DOM completion on IE was broken and only worked erratically. The Safari fix introduced in 0.15 was the culprit. - Changed how we check for DOM completion in IE to use the "doScroll" method documented here at http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/. This is the same method being used by jQuery. 0.15 not released - onDOMDone should now work for Safari and IE (thought I think it was already working for IE anyway). - Fix a possible (but unlikely) race condition that could cause the onDOMDone callbacks to never be called under Mozilla. 0.14 2006-03-31 - Added DOM.Ready.onDOMDone(). See the docs for this and for onIdReady() for reasons why this is useful. Added a test for this, "done.t.html" but it is not run with the others tests via index.html, as it does not work when the run via a frame. 0.13 2005-09-24 - BUG: If the timer fired before the DOM was ready, then callbacks would never be executed. 0.12 2005-09-10 - You can now set the timer interval via DOM.Ready.timerInterval. - Default timer interval is now 50 milliseconds instead of 250. - You can explicitly tell DOM.Ready to run all callbacks which are ready by calling DOM.Ready.runCallbacks(). 0.11 2005-08-27 - If used along with something that extended object (like prototype), then attempting to run id-based callbacks caused an error. 0.10 2005-08-25 - Initial release