John Cappiello - Dojo.common-0.4.1

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			A subclass that extends IntegerTextbox.
			Over-rides isValid/isInRange to test for real number input.
			Has 5 new properties that can be specified as attributes in the markup.
		  places: Integer
		  	The exact number of decimal places.  If omitted, it's unlimited and optional.
		  exponent: Boolean
		  	Can be true or false.  If omitted the exponential part is optional.
		  eSigned: Boolean
		  	Is the exponent signed?  Can be true or false, if omitted the sign is optional.
		  min: Number
			Minimum signed value.  Default is -Infinity.
		  max: Number
		  	Maximum signed value.  Default is +Infinity

		mixInProperties: function(localProperties, frag){
			// First initialize properties in super-class.
			dojo.widget.RealNumberTextbox.superclass.mixInProperties.apply(this, arguments);
			// Get properties from markup attributes, and assign to flags object.
			if (localProperties.places){ 
				this.flags.places = Number(localProperties.places);
			if((localProperties.exponent == "true")||
				(localProperties.exponent == "always")){
				this.flags.exponent = true;
			}else if((localProperties.exponent == "false")||(localProperties.exponent == "never")){
				this.flags.exponent = false;
				this.flags.exponent = [ true, false ]; // optional
			if((localProperties.esigned == "true")||(localProperties.esigned == "always")){
				this.flags.eSigned = true;
			}else if((localProperties.esigned == "false")||(localProperties.esigned == "never")){
				this.flags.eSigned = false;
				this.flags.eSigned = [ true, false ]; // optional
				this.flags.min = parseFloat(localProperties.min);
				this.flags.max = parseFloat(localProperties.max);

		// Over-ride for real number validation
		isValid: function(){
			return dojo.validate.isRealNumber(this.textbox.value, this.flags);
		isInRange: function(){
			return dojo.validate.isInRange(this.textbox.value, this.flags);
