John Cappiello - Dojo.common-0.4.1

Documentation | Source


dojo.lang.setTimeout = function(/*Function*/func, /*int*/delay /*, ...*/){
	// summary:
	//		Sets a timeout in milliseconds to execute a function in a given
	//		context with optional arguments.
	// usage:
	//		dojo.lang.setTimeout(Object context, function func, number delay[, arg1[, ...]]);
	//		dojo.lang.setTimeout(function func, number delay[, arg1[, ...]]);

	var context = window, argsStart = 2;
		context = func;
		func = delay;
		delay = arguments[2];

		func = context[func];
	var args = [];
	for (var i = argsStart; i < arguments.length; i++){
	return{ func.apply(context, args); }, delay); // int

dojo.lang.clearTimeout = function(/*int*/timer){
	// summary: clears timer by number from the execution queue

	// FIXME:
	//		why do we have this function? It's not portable outside of browser
	//		environments and it's a stupid wrapper on something that browsers
	//		provide anyway.;

dojo.lang.getNameInObj = function(/*Object*/ns, /*unknown*/item){
	// summary: 
	//		looks for a value in the object ns with a value matching item and
	//		returns the property name
	// ns: if null, dj_global is used
	// item: value to return a name for
	if(!ns){ ns = dj_global; }

	for(var x in ns){
		if(ns[x] === item){
			return new String(x); // String
	return null; // null

dojo.lang.shallowCopy = function(/*Object*/obj, /*Boolean?*/deep){
	// summary:
	//		copies object obj one level deep, or full depth if deep is true
	var i, ret;	

	if(obj === null){ /*obj: null*/ return null; } // null
		// obj: Object	
		ret = new obj.constructor();
		for(i in obj){
				ret[i] = deep ? dojo.lang.shallowCopy(obj[i], deep) : obj[i];
	}else if(dojo.lang.isArray(obj)){
		// obj: Array
		ret = [];
		for(i=0; i<obj.length; i++){
			ret[i] = deep ? dojo.lang.shallowCopy(obj[i], deep) : obj[i];
		// obj: Object
		ret = obj;

	return ret; // Object

dojo.lang.firstValued = function(/* ... */){
	// summary: Return the first argument that isn't undefined

	for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
		if(typeof arguments[i] != "undefined"){
			return arguments[i]; // Object
	return undefined; // undefined

dojo.lang.getObjPathValue = function(/*String*/objpath, /*Object?*/context, /*Boolean?*/create){
	// summary:
	//		Gets a value from a reference specified as a string descriptor,
	//		(e.g. "A.B") in the given context.
	// context: if not specified, dj_global is used
	// create: if true, undefined objects in the path are created.
	with(dojo.parseObjPath(objpath, context, create)){
		return dojo.evalProp(prop, obj, create); // Object

dojo.lang.setObjPathValue = function(/*String*/objpath, /*anything*/value, /*Object?*/context, /*Boolean?*/create){
	// summary:
	//		Sets a value on a reference specified as a string descriptor.
	//		(e.g. "A.B") in the given context. This is similar to straight
	//		assignment, except that the object structure in question can
	//		optionally be created if it does not exist.
	//	context: if not specified, dj_global is used
	//	create: if true, undefined objects in the path are created.

	// FIXME: why is this function valuable? It should be scheduled for
	// removal on the grounds that dojo.parseObjPath does most of it's work and
	// is more straightforward and has fewer dependencies. Also, the order of
	// arguments is bone-headed. "context" should clearly come after "create".
	// *sigh*
	dojo.deprecated("dojo.lang.setObjPathValue", "use dojo.parseObjPath and the '=' operator", "0.6");

	if(arguments.length < 4){
		create = true;
	with(dojo.parseObjPath(objpath, context, create)){
		if(obj && (create || (prop in obj))){
			obj[prop] = value;