dojo.deprecated("dojo.animation.Animation is slated for removal in 0.5; use dojo.lfx.* instead.", "0.5");
Animation package based off of Dan Pupius' work on Animations:
dojo.animation.Animation = function(/*dojo.math.curves.* */ curve, /*int*/ duration, /*Decimal?*/ accel, /*int?*/ repeatCount, /*int?*/ rate) {
// summary: Animation object iterates a set of numbers over a curve for a given amount of time, calling 'onAnimate' at each step.
// curve: Curve to animate over.
// duration: Duration of the animation, in milliseconds.
// accel: Either an integer or curve representing amount of acceleration. (?) Default is linear acceleration.
// repeatCount: Number of times to repeat the animation. Default is 0.
// rate: Time between animation steps, in milliseconds. Default is 25.
// description: Calls the following events: "onBegin", "onAnimate", "onEnd", "onPlay", "onPause", "onStop"
// If the animation implements a "handler" function, that will be called before each event is called.
if(dojo.lang.isArray(curve)) {
// curve: Array
// id: i
curve = new dojo.math.curves.Line(curve[0], curve[1]);
this.curve = curve;
this.duration = duration;
this.repeatCount = repeatCount || 0;
this.rate = rate || 25;
if(accel) {
// accel: Decimal
// id: j
if(dojo.lang.isFunction(accel.getValue)) {
// accel: dojo.math.curves.CatmullRom
// id: k
this.accel = accel;
} else {
var i = 0.35*accel+0.5; // 0.15 <= i <= 0.85
this.accel = new dojo.math.curves.CatmullRom([[0], [i], [1]], 0.45);
dojo.lang.extend(dojo.animation.Animation, {
// public properties
curve: null,
duration: 0,
repeatCount: 0,
accel: null,
// events
onBegin: null,
onAnimate: null,
onEnd: null,
onPlay: null,
onPause: null,
onStop: null,
handler: null,
// "private" properties
_animSequence: null,
_startTime: null,
_endTime: null,
_lastFrame: null,
_timer: null,
_percent: 0,
_active: false,
_paused: false,
_startRepeatCount: 0,
// public methods
play: function(/*Boolean?*/ gotoStart) {
// summary: Play the animation.
// goToStart: If true, will restart the animation from the beginning.
// Otherwise, starts from current play counter.
// description: Sends an "onPlay" event to any observers.
// Also sends an "onBegin" event if starting from the beginning.
if( gotoStart ) {
this._active = false;
this._paused = false;
this._percent = 0;
} else if( this._active && !this._paused ) {
this._startTime = new Date().valueOf();
if( this._paused ) {
this._startTime -= (this.duration * this._percent / 100);
this._endTime = this._startTime + this.duration;
this._lastFrame = this._startTime;
var e = new dojo.animation.AnimationEvent(this, null, this.curve.getValue(this._percent),
this._startTime, this._startTime, this._endTime, this.duration, this._percent, 0);
this._active = true;
this._paused = false;
if( this._percent == 0 ) {
if(!this._startRepeatCount) {
this._startRepeatCount = this.repeatCount;
e.type = "begin";
if(typeof this.handler == "function") { this.handler(e); }
if(typeof this.onBegin == "function") { this.onBegin(e); }
e.type = "play";
if(typeof this.handler == "function") { this.handler(e); }
if(typeof this.onPlay == "function") { this.onPlay(e); }
if(this._animSequence) { this._animSequence._setCurrent(this); }
pause: function() {
// summary: Temporarily stop the animation, leaving the play counter at the current location.
// Resume later with
// description: Sends an "onPause" AnimationEvent to any observers.
if( !this._active ) { return; }
this._paused = true;
var e = new dojo.animation.AnimationEvent(this, "pause", this.curve.getValue(this._percent),
this._startTime, new Date().valueOf(), this._endTime, this.duration, this._percent, 0);
if(typeof this.handler == "function") { this.handler(e); }
if(typeof this.onPause == "function") { this.onPause(e); }
playPause: function() {
// summary: Toggle between play and paused states.
if( !this._active || this._paused ) {;
} else {
gotoPercent: function(/*int*/ pct, /*Boolean*/ andPlay) {
// summary: Set the play counter at a certain point in the animation.
// pct: Point to set the play counter to, expressed as a percentage (0 to 100).
// andPlay: If true, will start the animation at the counter automatically.
this._active = true;
this._paused = true;
this._percent = pct;
if( andPlay ) {; }
stop: function(/*Boolean?*/ gotoEnd) {
// summary: Stop the animation.
// gotoEnd: If true, will advance play counter to the end before sending the event.
// description: Sends an "onStop" AnimationEvent to any observers.
var step = this._percent / 100;
if( gotoEnd ) {
step = 1;
var e = new dojo.animation.AnimationEvent(this, "stop", this.curve.getValue(step),
this._startTime, new Date().valueOf(), this._endTime, this.duration, this._percent);
if(typeof this.handler == "function") { this.handler(e); }
if(typeof this.onStop == "function") { this.onStop(e); }
this._active = false;
this._paused = false;
status: function() {
// summary: Return the status of the animation.
// description: Returns one of "playing", "paused" or "stopped".
if( this._active ) {
return this._paused ? "paused" : "playing"; /* String */
} else {
return "stopped"; /* String */
// "private" methods
_cycle: function() {
// summary: Perform once 'cycle' or step of the animation.
if( this._active ) {
var curr = new Date().valueOf();
var step = (curr - this._startTime) / (this._endTime - this._startTime);
var fps = 1000 / (curr - this._lastFrame);
this._lastFrame = curr;
if( step >= 1 ) {
step = 1;
this._percent = 100;
} else {
this._percent = step * 100;
// Perform accelleration
if(this.accel && this.accel.getValue) {
step = this.accel.getValue(step);
var e = new dojo.animation.AnimationEvent(this, "animate", this.curve.getValue(step),
this._startTime, curr, this._endTime, this.duration, this._percent, Math.round(fps));
if(typeof this.handler == "function") { this.handler(e); }
if(typeof this.onAnimate == "function") { this.onAnimate(e); }
if( step < 1 ) {
this._timer = setTimeout(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "_cycle"), this.rate);
} else {
e.type = "end";
this._active = false;
if(typeof this.handler == "function") { this.handler(e); }
if(typeof this.onEnd == "function") { this.onEnd(e); }
if( this.repeatCount > 0 ) {
} else if( this.repeatCount == -1 ) {;
} else {
if(this._startRepeatCount) {
this.repeatCount = this._startRepeatCount;
this._startRepeatCount = 0;
if( this._animSequence ) {